Wood Badge

Wood Badge Collector's Patches are available for sale at the link below.

What is it? Scouting's Advanced Adult Training Course

Begun in 1919 by Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting, Wood Badge has evolved to give leaders the skills they need to strengthen Scouting in meaningful ways. 21st Century Wood Badge places special emphasis on team development and how to tailor your leadership skills to meet the needs of the group whether youth or adults. 

Five days in length, the course covers leadership skills, organizational tools, and participatory activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the best of team development approaches. In addition, participants will enjoy the fellowship of learning alongside many other volunteers and professional Scouters and will have a great deal of FUN! 

HOW This Course Will Help You:

Apply contemporary leadership concepts to our values-based movement.

Understand Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, and Venturing as a family of values-based programs providing age-appropriate activities for youth.

Revitalize your commitment to Scouting through fun and fellowship in a learning environment. 

Many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be one of the peak experiences of their Scouting careers. In the United States, it has served as a source of training and inspiration to many thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have affected the lives of millions of America's youth. 

Who May Attend Wood Badge?

To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:

Scouter Accessibility of Wood Badge

We will make every effort to support the participation of Scouters with disabilities by making the course and participation requirements flexible. For example, providing barrier-free campsites can help accommodate a participant with unique circumstances. Ultimately, the Wood Badge course is experience-based learning through group dynamics where participation in the patrol is necessary.

Returning Participants

Individuals who have attended Wood Badge, a different version of Wood Badge training, or who did not complete the course may attend Wood Badge again provided that (1) they agree to write and work a Wood Badge ticket; and (2) they agree not to wear Wood Badge beads while they are attending the course.

Course Benefit to You

Wood Badge will help you improve your communication and leadership skills, contributions to Scouting and your community, and work with youth.  Wood Badge will help you form and realize your Scouting vision, as you learn new leadership skills, focus on your Scouting role and responsibilities, and identify and achieve personal goals to reach you vision – and give you the tools to reach it.

For additional information or questions email woodbadge@fareastcouncil.org.