Welcome to the Far East Council Campership Page! Please read the below information in its entirety before completing the application form.
PURPOSE: The Campership Program identifies and assists financially those Scouts who would like to attend a Far East Council Scouts BSA long term summer camp, advanced training (NYLT, NAYLE, Wilderness First Aid, Etc.), or specialty session; but who, due to financial constraints or hardship, are unable to bear the cost associated with those camps. Can also be utilized, at the Campership Committees discretion, for Adult leaders to attend advance training to include; Wood Badge, National Camp School, or other programs that benefit the youth in the Council. The funds allocated by the Campership Committee are intended to supplement funds raised by the Scout/Scouter and the Scout’s troop who must bear at least a portion of the cost. Although the primary qualification will be financial need, priority will be given to those Troops that are active in Unit Level Fundraising and Friends of Scouting.
PROCEDURE: Complete the application online (via the registration link of the event you are looking to attend) at least 90 days prior to the start date of the camp or event. The Scout will be notified of the decision by the Campership Committee prior to the registration deadline. Awarding of a Campership will be at the discretion of the Campership Committee.
The priority date for completed Campership Applications is 90 days prior to the camp or event. Applications received after that date will still be considered based on availability of funds.
Generally the Camping Committee may approve up to one-half of the camp fee. Exceptions are on a case-by-case basis.
Units participating in Friends of Scouting will be considered first.
The Campership is provided to the Unit or paid directly to the event, not to an individual member, and will be deducted from the total fees owed. The Campership is for a specific youth/adult member. If that member does not attend camp, the Campership will be rescinded. Campership decisions will be sent to the Scout and unit leader prior to the event registration date.
Questions or concerns can be emailed to