Support Scouting
When you donate to Scouting America, you are investing in our future by preparing today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders. No other program for youth and families does this in such a complete way, creating active minds, healthy bodies, and thoughtful spirits. Learn where the money goes here. There are several ways that you can help:
Donate Here
You can donate using the individual links to the Friends of Scouting Campaign or Council Endowment/James E West Fellowship.
Friends of Scouting
Just like every other Council in the Scouting America, the Far East Council relies upon those who use the Scouting program to help pay for the program. Contrary to popular belief, the military pays for less than 35 percent of the Far East Council budget. The remainder is paid for with council scout store sales, CFC, activities and camping income, investments and Friends of Scouting. Help is available to explain this important program to your committee and to your families. You can make your donation online now; LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR FOS CAMPAIGN HERE and help support YOUR council and the legacy of Scouting!.
James E West Fellowship
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition presented by the Far East Council for individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Council Endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and should not diminish or replace, the donor's annual gift to the Friends of Scouting Campaign. Learn more about the James E. West Fellowship or donate here.
Combined Federal Campaign
Support scouting! The magic number you need to designate your contribution for the Combined Federal Campaign to the Far East Council, Boy Scout of America is 11315.
Support the Council Scout Shop
Keep in mind every time you make a purchase at our local Council Scout Shop (online or in person) you are supporting our local Council programs. The Scout Shop will place special orders for an item or size not normally carried in stock.
Unit Fundraising
The Unit Fundraising Form can be found here. Please turn the Unit Fundraising Form into our Council Bookkeeper.
A reminder on private benefits. In essence, when a non-profit organization raises funds, either through contributions, or the sale of a product or service, the assumption is that the proceeds go to further the public good. For the fund-raising activities of the local council, there is no question that this is true. The issue comes into play when incentive programs happen at the unit level for individual youth. If a unit establishes an ―account for a member based solely on the number of items sold, that reward may be seen as a private benefit to the individual. If this benefit is of sufficient size, it may require reporting of this benefit as income to the individual, as well as to call into question the non-profit status of the council and the Scouting America. These funds are clearly not for the public good, but directly benefiting an individual.
Therefore, we recommend the following:
Make sure that any sale of materials, instructions, and support information do not make reference to individual Scouts earning money for their own participation in Scouting activities.
When remitting proceeds, from any sales back to units, provide guidance on the distribution of funds.
Encourage units to develop fund distribution plans that include criteria other than the sale of items. These might include:
Scout spirit
A portion of the unit proceeds from any sale or activity should be set aside for general unit expenses, and could include funds used for assistance to members with financial needs.
If you have additional questions regarding this issue, please consult your District Executive.
Other Ways to Support
Become a Merit Badge Councilor
Help teach Scouts a new skill by signing up to become a Merit Badge Counselor.