Merit Badge Counselors

Registering as a NEW Merit Badge Counselor

Registration: The Far East Council delegates the responsibility for approving and maintaining a list of current Merit Badge Counselors to the districts. (Guide to Advancement  Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) is a district position, not a unit position.  The District Leadership and/or the District Executive is responsible for approving Merit Badge Counselors for their district.  There are four steps for a MBC to register with the BSA and begin merit badge counseling:

#1.  Complete the Online Youth Protection Training (YPT) 

To become a MBC, a volunteer must complete YPT, which can be found on the MyScouting website by CLICKING HERE.  YPT must be valid through the entire year (31 December of the registered year).   Once complete, print your YPT Certificate and submit it with your application to become an MBC. Adults who are currently registered in a Unit or District position may multiply register as a Merit Badge Counselor without providing a YPT Certificate.  Please review and note the following Barriers to Abuse.

#2.  Complete the BSA Adult Application Form

Having completed YPT, you need to complete a new BSA Adult Application CLICK HERE.  This form is required even if you have other current registration(s) for positions with your unit or district. If you are NOT already registered as an adult leader in the council you will need to pay $25 (as of August 2023). You only need to submit a BSA Adult Application once to become an MBC (unless your MBC registration has lapsed).  Pay special attention to filling in the "Council/District Position” as "Merit Badge Counselor;” and your "District Name." The entire BSA Adult Application must be filled in and signed by the applicant, including the Background Check page located on the last page of the online application form itself. All applicants and currently registered Scouters go through a background check.  

The signature blocks for the unit Committee Chairman and Chartered Organization Representative do NOT have to be signed. Do not forget to answer questions 1-6 on the right side of the application, Without answers to these questions, your application cannot be processed.

#3a.  Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Information Form

This form is used by the district to know for which merit badge(s) you want to serve as a Counselor; to show why you have the needed skills, education, or training in the merit badge subjects and that you hold any required certifications (as outlined in the Guide to Advancement) to serve for the merit badge(s); and to approve your request.  Approval requires that you have appropriate education, training, or life experiences for each desired badge's subject matter. The Merit Badge Counselor Information Form be found by CLICKING HERE.  Please read both sides of the form. Once registered, MB Counselors only need to submit this form to add or remove Merit Badges they wish to counsel.

#3b. Prior to Submitting Your Paperwork please read the following:

If you want to be a Merit Badge Counselor for the Citizenship in Society you must complete and agree to the following.:

If teaching watersports you must complete the Safe Swim Defense Module at

If teaching any boating you must complete the Safety Afloat Module at

Please also take Merit Badge Counselor Trainin, which is available online at (after you sign up).

#4.  Submit All Paperwork

Submit your completed BSA Adult Application/Additional Disclosures and Background Check Form, YPT certificate (taken from, and MBC Information form, to the council registrar (  

After your application to become a MBC is accepted by the BSA, you will receive a membership card with your member ID number on it.  You should immediately update your profile to include your member ID number.  This links your online training to your membership record and s units, districts, and the council to verify your training online without requiring paper copies of Certificates of Completion.

Counselor Registration Considerations

Useful Links for Merit Badge Counselors

Annual Renewal of Merit Badge Counselors

All MBCs are subject to renewal each year, at the time of the district's (not its units') annual rechartering.  Counselors must be up-to-date on YPT in order to be renewed.  Districts will notify all Unit MBC Coordinators and/or individual counselors annually to advise them of YPT status and give the counselors an opportunity to be removed from the list if desired.  

District  Advancement Team and Leadership Roles

The responsibilities of the District Advancement Team and Key 3