Eagle Scout Gala

Join Us for the 5th Annual
Far East Council EAGLE SCOUT GALA!

Registration Coming Later This Year

This year’s Gala will recognize youth who attained the rank of Eagle Scout since July 1, 2024. So far, we have over 30 Eagle Scouts that will be recognized at this year’s Gala.

The one-hour interactive live-stream Gala will feature many of our current class of Eagle Scouts, many of our Eagle Scout Alumni, and many of the Eagle Scouts that are currently living and working within our council.

This Gala will inspire Scouts--Lion through Life--to stay on the Eagle trail.

Saturday, November 16th, 2024

10:30 to 11:30 PM - Fiji

9:30 to 10:30 PM- Australia

7:30 to 8:30 PM - Japan and Korea
6:30 to 7:30 PM - China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Mongolia, Brunei, and Singapore
5:30 to 6:30 PM – Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand 

4:15 to 5:15 PM- Nepal

4:00 to 5:00 PM- India

We strongly encourage units to organize BSA Watch Parties to view the webinar. Individualize your watch party either by a potluck, sit-down dinner, or refreshments! Here is a list of current watch parties with the contact’s name and email of the host. If no one has signed up to host a BSA Watch Party in your area, please volunteer and send your name, location, and email to eaglescoutgala@fareastcouncil.org.

2022 Eagle Gala Watch Party Locations

Sponsorship Levels

There are many levels of sponsorship for this year’s Eagle Scout Gala. Every donor will be recognized as outlined below:


$10 = Scout Sponsor


$100 = Tenderfoot Sponsor


$250 = 2nd Class Sponsor


$500 = 1st Class Sponsor


$1,000 = Star Sponsor


$5,000 = Life Sponsor


$10,000 = Eagle Sponsor

If you want to share this information, we've created a one-page flyer that you can use.

Click Here to Become An Eagle Scout Gala Sponsor (Coming Soon)

For questions about our Eagle Scout Gala sponsorship opportunities send an email to sponsoreaglegala@fareastcouncil.org.

Thank you to our past Eagle Scout Gala Sponsors

Eagle Scout Sponsors $10,000+

Yamasaki Family

A Kind Soul From The Isles of The Sea

Life Scout Sponsors $5,000+

Yamasaki Family

A Generous Donor From East Asia

Star Scout Sponsors $1,000+

John and Shannan Rotruck

Tokyo Academics

David Nichols

Kobayashi Family

Nicholas Pollacia

A Generous Donor from Tokyo 

Hideaki Satohira

For More Information Please Contact:

Eagle Scout Gala 2025 Chair
Far East Council

Scout Executive/CEO
Far East Council